
Database - UDESC

The final project

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📜 Table of contents

🚀 Starting

This database project is designed to address the operational challenges faced by Confeitaria Dona Lúcia, providing a solution for managing various aspects of the business. The system ensures control of ingredients by recording information such as descriptions, quantities, brands, and units of measurement. Supplier orders are tracked, including data on quantities purchased, unit prices, and total order values, ensuring a stock overview. Furthermore, the system integrates recipe management, enabling the storage and retrieval of preparation methods, preparation times, yields, and required ingredients, streamlining updates and access to information.

The project also supports sales tracking, associating each transaction with specific products, quantities, and purchase dates. Product pricing dynamically considers ingredient costs and desired profit margins, ensuring financial stability.

📚 Features

Used during the evolution of the final project:

📋 Prerequisites

To run this project, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

🛠️ Built with

✒️ Author

You can also see the list of all collaborators who participated in this project.

📄 License

This project is under the license MIT. See the file for more details.

Developed with ❤️ in Brazil 🇧🇷